Saturday, May 12, 2007

Ahhh, Mr. Rollins

Boyfriend gives me a hard time about it, but I'm an admirer of Henry Rollins.

I know. Ancient. Saw him in DC not too terribly long ago. Put him in a suit and he looks like three quarters of the Double Dippers on the Beltway.

Even so...

He's nifty.

Someone else seems to admire him, too. I'm getting a notebook for my dissertation work that I'm gonna paste that graphic on the cover. *grins*

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Brain offline

Ever had something happen to require a complete brain reboot?

I have recently.

No, it wasn't anything bad -- rather the opposite. It was pretty good.

But you know...

The world is what it is and not always the way we think we see it.

Just out of curisoity, when offered, does anyone really take the blue pill? At that moment of cusp when you know it is, you take the red pill. You can't help it. It's your monkey brain.

The trick is knowing when you're being offered it.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Ahhh, Weekends

I was such a very good girl this week, and I made my writing quota.

Boyfriend is out of town this weekend, again, darn his sexy hide.

Ah, well, he has promised me much dancing to make up for this lack when he returns. I begin to suspect that I am too easily consoled. I would ask for new lingerie, but I do not wish to reward him for depriving me of his company. Yet, I do not want to make Boyfriend's pennance aversive conditioning, either.

Such a fine line, these silly, charming men, and how to handle them.

Ah! He has promised dancing. I shall request that he learn to Tango. .

Heh... Truly, it's less of a pennance than a win-win. If you've ever seen a Tango done properly you know what I mean.

Friday, May 4, 2007

I Lost a Bet

I lost a bet and have to post this in my blog.

Doin' my part to keep the stray population down.

Boyfriend dies slow, painful death.

No blowjobs for Boyfriend.

Boyfriend forbidding lingerie drawer, too.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Doing my day

"Done is good."

That's advice from a friend of mine who just made tenure -- w00t!

That's a long hard road for me, I'm afraid.

Someone once asked me how in the world I could choose the field I did, and I always deadpan "the money".

Reality check, folx, we academics don't make a lot of money. You might hear about a tenured professor's salary, but you don't hear about the student loans that eat up most of that paycheck. And if you're in any of the humanities, the competition for work as a professor would congeal your blood, I kid you not.

So why do I do it?

I'm an idealist. I believe knowledge is important. No, I don't want to be a teacher. I just like the subject. Sure, yeah, I wish I had more money to pay for my toys. (Hey, lingerie ain't cheap, and my boyfriend likes those FMPs, even if I am short...).

But at the end of the day, I really just want to add to the world's body of knowledge. I think that the intersection of religion and spirituality, as well as the role that sex has played in it has been sadly underinvestigated.

Oh, think of the.... well the celibacy (or lack thereof!) of the priesthood, and the political ramifications in sixteenth century Europe. For that matter, what did it mean to the European population that the intelligensia were forbidden to breed? (The Church was the basic refuge for people who had the slightest academic bent or desire for learning. Think about what that did to the bell curve!)

I suppose you could make a case for something like it today. I'm starting to stare at 30 and I'm at least ten years from even considering having children. Most of my fellow students are in the same boat. Doesn't help that we don't live in a situation where kids are an economic asset like they were on a farm.

What does that have to do with sex and religion, you ask me? Heh. Pick up a damn newspaper and see the Religious Right's glorification of marriage and family.

And ask yourself if that is really who you want breeding!